European Media Art Platform - EMAP

A partnership of 15 European cultural institutions aiming to support up-and coming media artists in order to create new works.

The Onassis Stegi continues to support artistic practices positioned between art, science and technology through its participation, along with ten other partners, in The European Media Art Platform (EMAP). The platform provides up-and coming media artists working in the fields of visual and digital arts, design, film, sound or video with the chance to participate in 2-month residencies and to create new works to be presented at festivals and other events in partner countries.

Member organizations

Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria), Antre Peaux (Bourges, France), FACT (Liverpool, United Kingdom), gnration (Braga, Portugal), iMAL (Brussels, Belgium), IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture] (Utrecht, the Netherlands), Kersnikova Institute [Kapelica Gallery] (Ljubljana, Slovenia), KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis (Zagreb, Croatia), LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Gijón, Spain), M-Cult (Helsinki, Finland), NeMe (Limassol, Cyprus), Onassis Stegi (Athens, Greece), RIXC Centre for New Media Culture (Riga, Latvia), WRO Art Center (Wroclaw, Poland), Werkleitz Centre for Media Art (Halle [Saale], Germany)

EMAP is coordinated by Werkleitz Centre for Media Art (Germany).
