Lukasz Twarkowski

Lukasz Twarkowski

Lukasz Twarkowski is a creator of multimedia performances combining theater and visual arts. He places his projects in the context of extending reality through multimedia. A crucial element of Twarkowski's creative work is investigating the ability and limitations of theater as a medium and tool of communication. By permanent deconstruction of narratives, questioning the fixed habits of the audience, and meaningful usage of new media, Twarkowski creates a new, original language of stage performance based on multimedia and, more widely, digital technologies. In using these, Twarkowski analyzes and observes increasingly complex relations between the Real, the Symbolic, and the Imagined.

His projects are programmed at the most important festivals and stages of Europe, including the Holland Festival, Odéon—Théâtre de l’Europe, Ruhrtriennale, Festival de Otoño de Madrid, Wiener Festwochen, Piccolo Teatro de Milano, and Southbank Centre in London. Currently, he is an associated artist of Onassis Stegi in Athens.