Thanos Dimadis

President of the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents, USA

Mass Media, Journalism, Economy

Thanos Dimadis is a journalist, writer, and President of the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents, USA. He is a lecturer at the University of Florida and visiting lecturer at the George Washington University, Washington. He is also involved with the management of organizations, programs, and scholarships for foreign reporters in the USA.

He first went to the USA for postgraduate studies, which were supported by the Onassis Foundation. There, he worked as a correspondent covering the European financial crisis at the International Monetary Fund, Washington, for the Greek television channels SKAI and Alpha. Based on his reportage, he created the documentary “Three years–Three Memoranda”, and published the book “In the Daedalus of the Eurozone-Crisis: Experiences, Interpretations, Events from the Decision-Making Centers”.

In 2017 he stopped working as a journalist in Greece, and has continued working as a manager in the USA on issues of strategy and communication for companies and organizations, and for two universities. At the same time, he is preparing the publication of his second book in Greece, titled “A Reportage on Television and Power” (New York and Athens).

His advice to young people aspiring to become journalists is to never fear telling their opinion, to resist and to publicly denounce any attempt to silence them by those in power. Only in this way they will be useful to society, which journalism is meant to serve.

Postgraduate student, Journalist, writer, President of the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents (USA), lecturer at the University of Florida and visiting lecturer at the George Washington University. A life-changing journey in the United Stated of America.