Emergency Fellowships 2020/21

A tailor-made, time-sensitive support for artists and curators living in Greece or anywhere in the world.

Applications for the Emergency Fellowships 2020/21 are now closed.

The Emergency Fellοwships 2020/21 recipients are: Khaleb Brooks, Oscar B. Castillo, Vala T. Foltyn, Pepper Levain, Reem Mahmood, Suhail Naqshbandi, Okwei Odili, Tabita Rezaire, Selma Selman

The Emergency Fellοwships are not intended for presenting your work, or for engaging in an academic program. They are not meant to be used for any kind of production related activity. Instead these fellοwships are meant to be highly responsive to address volatile situations around the world or in Greece, or time-sensitive artistic research, or unanticipated professional needs.

Each Emergency Fellοwship consists of a stipend of up to 3.000 €, as well as support from the Οnassis AiR team to prepare anything that can help the fellow to engage in the research activity they are about to embark on.