Rev. Nikolaos Douligeris

Parish priest of the Holy Church of St. Demetrios, Psyrri

Photo: Pavlos Fysakis

He was born in Melissopetra, Arcadia, in 1964 and grew up in Athens. He studied at the School of Electrical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, graduating in 1989. During this time, he fulfilled his military obligations. In 1991, he was ordained deacon and, in 1995, elder of the Holy Church of St. Nicholas in the Athenian neighborhood of Kato Patissia, where he served as pastor from 1995 to 2019. He was in charge of the youth sector and the parish's Spiritual Center, which hosted numerous activities aimed at young people. He also served for four years as head of the parents' school that operated in the parish. For several years, he was Youth Coordinator in the 6th Archdiocesan District of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and oversaw its camps for senior high school girls. Between 2006–2010 he worked as a Computer Science teacher at the General High School and the Institute of Vocational Training of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School of Athens. For the last four years, he has been a supervisor at the St. Demetrios Church of Psyrri, where, in addition to his pastoral duties, he coordinates reflection, communication, and catechetical groups with students and older people. He is married with three children and lives in Athens.