Open Call: Hack the Map
The Charta of Rigas Velestinlis

National Student Competition of Digital Works about the Charta of Rigas Velestinlis

The Onassis Foundation and Onassis Library are sending out an open call to all students in schools across Greece: Enter our super hi-tech competition, “hack” the Charta of Riga Velestinlis, and win equipment and cash prizes for your school. Enter the educational supporting platform of the competition today!

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Hack the Map

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary, which began in 1821, the Onassis Foundation and Onassis Library are organizing “ Hack the Map: The Charta of Rigas Velestinlis” – a country-wide competition for the creation of digital works by high-school students – in collaboration with the Cartographic Heritage Archives of the General State Archives of Greece / Historical Archive of Macedonia, and the Geography Department of the Harokopio University of Athens.

Inspired by a rare and celebrated map, this multimedia competition challenges school teams of teenagers to make use of new technologies, riddles and symbols to create digital works.


Are you ready to compete in one of the following categories?

  • An augmented reality (AR) app that takes one or more symbols that appear on the map and turns them into 3D animated graphics
  • A virtual reality (VR) app that recreates one or more scenes that appear on one or more leaves of the map in 3D
  • A digital narrative (a video of up to five minutes) that deals with a historical event presented as part of the map, or a historical theme relating to the map
  • A 3D video game that plays on knowledge about the map
The Prizes
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Prize: €1,500 in technical / audio-visual equipment
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Prize: €1,500 in technical / audio-visual equipment
  • Digital Storytelling Prize: €1,500 in technical / audio-visual equipment
  • 3D Video Game Prize: €1,500 in technical / audio-visual equipment
Useful info

The competition is addressed to:
Groups of students of public and private middle and high schools nationwide (such as gymnasiums, lyceums, vocational lyceums, evening lyceums, ecclesiastical schools, music and art gymnasiums and lyceums).

Participation cost:

Timeline of “Hack the Map: The Rigas Velestinlis Charta” competition:

Competition Phase 1: applications / digital proposals submitted by school teams

Shortlist of at least 12 projects (dependent on applications) announced

Competition Phase 2: digital works submitted

Winners of the four digital works categories announced

Τ. +30 210 3713000

Supporting documentation and materials

All interested school teams can enter the educational supporting platform of the competition in order to find:

  • Informative materials and a bibliography about the Charta of Rigas Velestinlis
  • Digital materials from the Onassis Library and the Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel
  • Supporting technical materials on computing and the creation of 3D graphics (educational videos and online content)
  • Script suggestions and supporting materials from the Cartographic Heritage Archives of the General State Archives of Greece
  • Cartographic history materials from the Geography Department of the Harokopio University of Athens
  • Good practice guidelines for the creation of well-researched documentaries and evidence-based apps
  • Good practice guidelines for the correct use of digital materials, with respect for intellectual property rights