
The video work entitled “Flux” (from ‘rous,’ the ancient Greek word for ‘course’ or ‘flow’) describes the incessant flow of matter. A thin golden mass dominates the center of the projection, fading slowly in a blur and then shining blindingly at repetitive times. Similarly, when it comes to the flow of human existence, oriented straight segments of events and experiences, as well as feelings and emotions are outlined only to jump to the next stages as sequences of consecutive, successive phases. This particular work narrates not only the perpetual motion of matter itself as an ongoing and transitory element but also the culmination of a trajectory that never ceases to flow toward transformation or transmutation.

“Flux” in its digital form is a continuation of a physical work assembled by Karakostanoglou, which was cast in bronze in its original breadth and with a total length of 18 meters, and one that we will never experience in its material form. Following its creation, the sculpture was placed on scaffolding and a wall-simulation of the walls of Ioannina. It was videotaped during night hours, with the material from this recording becoming the new ‘raw material’ for the narrative of this new digital work.

The work is commissioned by Onassis Stegi for the “Plásmata ΙΙ: Ioannina” exhibition.


3 projections on a castle wall
40 cm. × 14 m.

About the artists

Nikomachi Karakostanoglou
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