


A huge, luminous, intensely-red sphere, split in two identical halves.A huge, luminous, intensely-red sphere, split in two identical halves.

Divided by Spanish artist SpY is a huge, light-filled sphere of an intense red color, split in two halves and supported by 25-metre-high scaffolding structures. The intervention conveys a bold visual statement that effectively transforms the urban space around it. Viewers can traverse the light-filled corridor within the piece, becoming themselves part of the artwork in a memorable artistic experience.

Divided builds upon SpY’s project Earth, installed in Madrid in 2021. A divided earth sheds light upon the deep significance of the relations between the dwellers of this planet. When difference is understood not as separation but as complementarity, a worldview emerges in which mutual rejection is laid aside, and where the qualities of each element fruitfully emphasize those of the others.


Adaptation commissioned by
Onassis Stegi for the "Plásmata: Bodies, Dreams, and Data" exhibition

About the artists