Nadia Beugré


Photo © Grit Weirauch

Nadia Beugré began her career in a traditional dance theatre in the Ivory Coast.  In 1997, she was one of the founders of the Tché Tché dance company, along with the multiple award-winning Béatrice Kombé. Since her first solo, "Un espace vide: Moi" [An empty space: myself], she has been searching for choreographic tools, studying at Germaine Acogny’s Ecole des Sables in Senegal, a training centre for traditional and contemporary dance techniques.

She later moved to France, where in 2009, she attended Mathilde Monnier’s ex.e.r.ce educational programme, which addressed "Dance and image”. As part of this programme, she began working on the solo for "Libres Quartiers", which she ultimately premièred in 2012 in Paris. In the meantime, while working on her solo, she also participated in performances by Mathilde Monnier and other distinguished French choreographers.

Having conquered the French stage, she has opened herself up to the international dance scene. As a result, her works "Legacy" (2015) and "Tapis Rouge" (2017) have been performed at major events including the Festival d'Automne in Paris and the Holland Festival in Amsterdam as well as in many other cities around the world. She is currently touring with "Roukasskass Club" (2018) and working on her latest choreography, "L'Homme Rare".