Onassis AiR

An (inter)national artistic research residency program in Athens

A unique program that fosters artistic research by offering time, resources and a supportive collaborative working environment for the exchange of practices and knowledge.

Οnassis AiR is an international artistic research residency program based in Αthens, Greece. Founded on the principles of learning and doing with others, Onassis AiR grounds its mission in supporting the artistic process by offering space and time to arts professionals from various backgrounds and disciplines to delve deeper into their practice without any requirement to present a final work. Since we opened our doors in September 2019, we have experimented with various formats of thinking and practicing together -from individual research programs to fostering a thematic collective research study- always adapting our programs based on the needs of a growing community of peers.

You may find more information about who we are and what we do below.


Pali-Room is a digital platform and a podcast series that functions as a depository of the artistic research that takes place at Οnassis AiR. The site hosts a series of recorded conversations with each of our participants that are presented in the form of an audio recording as well as a text, which is supplemented by a series of highlighted and hyperlinked material that provide more information on the practice, influences, writings or readings of each participant.


Between September 2020-July 2021, our programs brought together an interdisciplinary group of artists and arts practitioners to conduct collective research around two thematics areas we found urgent to explore: identities and ecologies. Our publications aim to document this process by assembling the ideas and inquiries that emerged as part of the collective research.

Our past present

How does the personal become collective? How does knowledge get practiced and exchanged?

Over the past years, we have experienced different ways of “cohabitation” inside the Οnassis AiR house, through an exchange of practices and methodologies, while also exploring the more-than-human world through city walks and research trips within Greece and beyond. In order to shed light to this process we decided to create a short video documentary that brings together in a non-chronological order some of our collective moments.

Photo: Elpida Fragkeskidou
Workshop with Mark Leckey at Onassis AiR, Fall 2019